Open Graph
Twitter Cards
Crawling / indexing
Canonical URL
Google Indexing API
IndexNow API
Cleaning media filename
XML / HTML sitemaps
HTML sitemap
Image sitemap
Author sitemap
Redirect attachment pages to the file URL
Redirect post / page / post type to another URL
Block Editor & page builders integration
HTML sitemap block
Google Knowledge Graph
Social accounts
Cleaning your source code
Remove Windows Live Writer meta tag
Remove RSD meta tag
Remove oEmbed links
Remove WordPress X-Pingback header
Remove WordPress X-Powered-By header
Google Analytics
Matomo Cloud / On-Premise
Microsoft Clarity
Optimize your SEO
The basics of SEO / SMO optimization: the customization of metas. Title, meta description, Open Graph and Twitter Cards.
Meta title / description
Basic SEO tagsManage your titles and meta description for every post, page, custom post type, archive page... globally or individually, with dozens of dynamic variables.

Open Graph
Social tagsAdd Open Graph meta tags to improve sharing on Facebook with custom title, description and image thumbnail. View your sharing link with our Facebook Preview.

Twitter Card
Social tagsAdd Twitter meta tags to improve sharing on Twitter with custom title, description and image thumbnail. View your sharing link with our Twitter Preview.

Crawling / indexing
Tell robots what you want to index and not.
Meta robots
Manage your meta robots: noindex, nofollow, noimageindex, noarchive, nosnippet... for every post, page, custom post type, archive page...

Canonical URL
Edit your default canonical URL for each post, page or post type.

Google Indexing API
Faster indexingPing Google and get your content indexed in minutes / hours!

IndexNow API
Faster indexingPing Microsoft and Yandex and get your content indexed almost instantly!

Support for Accelerated Mobile Pages
AMPWe support the official AMP WordPress plugin to optimize the SEO of AMP pages.
Image SEO
Images optimized for SEO can significantly increase your traffic. Why deprive yourself of it?
Automatically set the image Title / Alt / Caption / Description based on filename
Titles, alt, captions and cleaner, automated descriptions for more productivity.
For WooCommerce products, we use the product title instead of the image filename for even more productivity.

Automatic cleaning media filename
When send a media, remove accents, spaces, capital letters... and force UTF-8 encoding.
e.g. "ExãMple 1 cópy!.jpg" => "example-1-copy.jpg"

Structure / redirect
XML / HTML sitemaps
Build custom XML sitemaps (Pages/Posts/Taxonomies, Videos, Images, News, Authors, HTML) to help Google understand and crawl your site more efficiently.
Fully compatible with Core XML sitemaps feature (WP 5.5+). We automatically disable them to avoid any SEO conflicts.
XML sitemap
Faster crawlingImprove Search Engines crawling by providing XML sitemaps of your posts, pages, custom post types, terms taxonomy, authors, images and more.
HTML sitemap
SEO & a11yImprove Search Engines crawling by providing an HTML Sitemap and User Experience.

Image sitemap
Google ImagesImprove images indexing by automatically adding standard images, image galleries, featured image and WooCommerce product images to XML Image Sitemaps.

URL Rewriting
Remove /category/ in URL

Remove /product-category/ in URL

Redirect attachment pages to post parent or file URL
Disable attachments page and improve UX and SEO.

Redirect post / page / post type to another URL

Block Editor & page builders integration
Universal SEO metabox
Exclusive featureEdit your SEO metadata (title, meta description, social tags, schemas, meta robots…) directly from your favorite theme or page builder and more!
Page builders integration
HTML block sitemap
Block editorEasily add an HTML sitemap for your visitors with the Block Editor.
Customize its design to match your theme.

Mark up
Google Knowledge Graph
Markup your content with business / marketing details to get featured in Google Knowledge Graph cards.
Knowledge Graph
Configure your Google Knowledge Graph: add your logo, organization phone number and more.

Social accounts
Link your social accounts like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest with Google Knowledge Graph.

Cleaning your source code
Let SEOPress removes automatically useless code to improve your site performance and reduce your carbon footprints.
Remove WordPress shortlink meta tag

Remove Windows Live Writer meta tag

Remove RSD meta tag

Remove oEmbed links

Remove WordPress X-Pingback header

Remove WordPress X-Powered-By header

Link / Analyse / Monitor
Content analysis
SEOPress help you write search engines optimized content with advices, tips by analysing your post / page / custom post type. Works with all page builders. Unlimited keywords.

Google Analytics tracking
Add Google Analytics tracking in few clicks without adding a single line of code.

Matomo Cloud + On-Premise
Add Matomo Cloud and/or On-Premise (self-hosted) tracking in few clicks without adding a single line of code.

Microsoft Clarity
Add Microsoft Clarity tracking in few clicks without adding a single line of code to record user sessions, heatmaps and more for Free. Detect UX issues and solve them to increase your conversions.