Getting Started
- Filter the arguments sent to OpenAI to generate alternative texts
- Filter the prompt sent to OpenAI to generate alt text for images
- Filter the arguments sent to OpenAI to generate SEO metadata
- Filter the request to generate a meta description with AI
- Filter the request to generate a meta title with AI
- Filter Google Analytics Ecommerce view details item event
- Filter phone tracking links in Google Analytics
- Filter Matomo Analytics Dashboard widget capability
- Filter Microsoft Clarity tracking code
- Filter WooCommerce order status sent to Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce
- Disable heatmaps and session recordings for Matomo
- Filter Measurement ID for Google Analytics v4
- Filter the expiration date of the user consent cookie
- Filter Add To Cart events for Google Enhanced Ecommerce
- Filter Remove From Cart event for Google Enhanced Ecommerce
- Filter Google Analytics Ecommerce purchase tracking
- Filter Custom Post Type custom dimension in Matomo
- Filter Download & Outlink tracking Matomo feature
- Filter connected users custom dimension in Matomo
- Filter disable all tracking cookies Matomo feature
- Filter Do Not Track (DNT) Matomo feature
- Filter tags custom dimension in Matomo
- Filter categories custom dimension in Matomo
- Filter No JS Matomo feature
- Filter the cross domains Matomo feature
- Filter Matomo prepend site domain
- Filter author custom dimension in Matomo
- Filter Matomo tracking code
- Filter Matomo cookie domain
- Filter user consent inline styles
- Filter HTML additional tracking code in footer body
- Filter HTML additional tracking code in body
- Filter Google Ads
- Filter Google Analytics UA + features
- Filter Google Analytics Dashboard widget capability
- Filter HTML additional tracking code
- Filter Google Optimize container ID
- Filter user consent message HTML
- Filter user consent message
- Add custom tracking code with user consent
- Remove Google Analytics Widget in WordPress Dashboard
- Filter authors tracking custom dimension with Google Analytics
- Filter logged in users tracking custom dimension with Google Analytics
- Filter categories tracking custom dimension with Google Analytics
- Filter tags tracking custom dimension with Google Analytics
- Filter post types tracking custom dimension with Google Analytics
- Filter Google Analytics tracking with a custom dimension
- Filter Google Analytics Remarketing feature
- Filter Google Analytics tracking
- Filter Google Analytics Link Attribution feature
- Filter Google Analytics IP Anonymization feature
- Filter Google Analytics external links tracking
- Filter Google Analytics downloads tracking
- Filter Google Analytics Cross-domain tracking feature
- Filter Google Analytics affiliate / outbound links tracking
- Remove SEOPress widgets from dashboard
- Enable universal SEO metabox for WooCommerce product (or any other post type)
- Change beacon SVG icon of the universal SEO metabox
- Disable SEO beacon
- Rename SEO page name from admin menu
- Remove SEOPress icons in header
- Filter noindex alert HTML from admin bar
- Remove SEOPress’ bulk edit actions
- Hide specific PRO tabs settings
- Filter tabs in SEO metabox
- Filter the list of SEOPress features on the dashboard page
- Remove SEOPress node from admin bar
- Remove SEOPress menu/submenu pages
- Remove SEOPress credits in footer admin pages
- Remove SEOPress admin header
- Add your custom logo in SEOPress admin header
- Change / remove SEOPress icon in admin bar
- Filter SEO admin menu
- Filter Structured data types metabox call by post type
- Filter SEO Metabox call by post type
- Filter SEO Metabox call by custom taxonomy
API / CLI / Dev
- Filter Breadcrumbs JSON
- Filter primary categories / product categories list
- Filter taxonomy terms in the breadcrumbs
- Filter breadcrumbs inline CSS for the Block Editor
- Use the old schema markup for Breadcrumbs
- Remove schema markup from HTML breadcrumbs
- Force link on last item of breadcrumbs
- Filter the breadcrumbs HTML classes
- Force the display of the custom post type archive page even if it does not exist in breadcrumbs
- Delete the custom post type archive from a single view for the breadcrumb
- Filter breadcrumbs HTML
- Filter crumbs from breadcrumbs
- Display breadcrumbs before main content with DIVI theme
- Filter breadcrumbs separator
- Filter breadcrumbs inline CSS
- Add content before / after breadcrumbs
Broken links / 404 monitoring
- Filter IP address for 404 monitoring
- Filter the CRON 404 cleanup query
- Filter broken links checker query
- Exclude URL starting with specific values from 404 monitoring
- Filter the exclusion list of robots from the 404 monitoring
Content Analysis
- Filter Google Search Console end date
- Filter Google Search Console start date
- Filter Google Search Console date range
- Run shortcodes to find significant keywords for internal linking suggestions
- Filter home URL for Google Search Console URL API
- Run custom action when cleaning content for analysis
- Filter home URL for Google Inspect URL API
- Filter URL to inspect with Google Inspect URL API
- Filter analyzed target keywords by the content analysis
- Filter the analyzed content
- Filter Content Analysis Metabox call by post type
Google Snippet Preview
- Filter Google Snippet Preview custom args remote request
- Set Google Snippet Preview to Desktop by default
- Filter Google Snippet Preview remote request
- Filter replaced characters from media files (in/out)
- Filter media filename after cleaning
- Filter media filename before cleaning
- Filter automatic image alt tag with target keywords
- Filter automatic image title
- Filter automatic image attributes
- Filter the CSS of email notifications
- Filter the description of email notifications
- Filter the title of email notifications
- Filter the subject of email notifications
- Filter rankings query used for email notifications
- Filter product:price:currency meta tag
- Filter product:price:amount meta tag
- Filter %%_ucf_your_user_meta%% dynamic variable
- Filter %%_cf_your_custom_field_name%% dynamic variable
- Filter pre_get_document_title priority hook
- Filter meta robots attributes
- Filter %%seopress_titles_post_url%% dynamic variable
- Filter %%_ct_your_custom_taxonomy_slug%% dynamic variable
- Filter %%seopress_titles_post_thumbnail_url%% dynamic variable
- Filter “page” dynamic variable
- Filter dynamic variables array
- Filter article tag meta
- Filter article section meta tag
- Filter author meta name
- Filter %%post_category%% dynamic variable
- Filter single product tag array using %%wc_single_tag%%
- Filter single product category array using %%wc_single_cat%%
- Filter %%post_tag%% dynamic variable
- Add your custom global dynamic variables for title tag / meta description
- Filter Dublin Core language
- Filter article modified time meta
- Filter article published time meta
- Filter excerpt length (or beginning of post content) in metas
- Filter Dublin Core title
- Filter Dublin Core source
- Filter Dublin Core relation
- Filter Dublin Core description
- Filter canonical URL
- Filter meta google noimageindex
- Filter meta robots nosnippet
- Filter meta title
- Filter meta robots
- Filter meta description
- Filter Search results tag in title / meta description (%%search_keywords%%)
- Filter the paged tag in title / meta description (%%current_pagination%%)
- Filter RSS post thumbnail size
- Filter link attributes on post_content
- Add your custom global dynamic variables for RSS feeds
- Filter site_url tag
- Disable SEOPress’ Elementor integration
- Disable automatic resizing of Elementor panel
- Filter the_title with SEOPress dynamic variables
- Filter the arguments of the metadata terms export query
- Filter Local Business widget inline CSS
- PRO theme (Themeco) / WPML compatibility for XML sitemaps
- Filter the_content with SEOPress dynamic variables
- Filter user capabilities
- Filter the arguments of the metadata export query
- Filter post types list used by SEOPress
- Filter SEOPress CSV wizard steps
- Filter SEOPress installation wizard steps
- Filter export 404 errors query
- Stop saving hits and last date request for each redirection
- Filter redirect URL status code if author / date archives disabled
- Filter redirect URL if author / date archives disabled
- Add action before redirect
- Filter post types to watch for automatic redirections
- Filter export redirections query
- Disable automatic redirect suggestions
- Filter the video XML sitemap regeneration tool
- Filter post title in HTML sitemap
- Display posts of custom post type hierarchically by custom taxonomy
- Filter product category slug used in HTML sitemap
- Exclude out of stock WooCommerce products from the XML sitemap
- Filter content used to find new video for xml video sitemap
- Filter list of taxonomies from xml sitemap options
- Filter list of post types from xml sitemap options
- Filter XSL video sitemap
- Filter the arguments of the ping sitemap query for Google
- Filter index XML sitemap URL sent to Google
- Filter the urls of each item of a taxonomy XML sitemap
- Filter the urls of each item of a singular XML sitemap
- Filter XSL sitemap
- Filter CSS of XSL sitemaps
- Include WooCommerce hidden products to the XML sitemap
- Filter Custom Post Type Name in HTML sitemap
- Filter HTML Sitemap product category query for products
- Filter keywords in XML news sitemap
- Remove archive links per post type in HTML sitemap
- Filter custom post type archive link in XML single sitemaps
- Filter home_url in XML sitemaps
- Filter Custom Post Type index XML sitemap query
- Filter video index sitemap query
- Filter max terms per paginated sitemap
- Filter max videos per paginated sitemap
- Add external URLs to XML index sitemaps
- Add target keywords to Google News XML sitemaps
- Filter urlset tag in XML sitemaps
- Filter XML sitemaps headers
- Filter to enable/disable post date by post type in HTML sitemap
- Filter XML video sitemap
- Filter XML sitemap single taxonomy
- Filter XML single post type sitemap
- Filter XML index sitemap
- Filter XML news sitemap
- Filter XML author sitemap
- Filter standard image URLs in XML image sitemaps
- Enable / disable execution of shortcodes in XML image sitemaps
- Filter max posts per paginated sitemap
- Filter XML author sitemap query
- Filter the depth limit for hierarchical contents in the HTML sitemap
- Add custom fields to image sitemaps
- Filter custom post type in HTML sitemap
- Filter hierarchical post type query in HTML sitemap
- Filter HTML Sitemap category query for posts
- Filter XML video sitemap query
- Filter latest post type query in XML index sitemap
- Filter taxonomies list in XML index sitemap
- Filter single taxonomy XML sitemap query
- Filter latest post query for Google News in XML index sitemap
- Filter HTML sitemap query
- Filter single post type XML sitemap query
- Filter Google News XML sitemap query
- Filter Open Graph type
- Filter title used in Oembed
- Filter post thumbnail size used in Oembed
- Filter post thumbnail in Oembed
- Filter OG updated time meta
- Filter Open Graph Author / Publisher
- Filter Twitter Card summary
- Filter Twitter Card site
- Filter Twitter Card creator
- Filter locale Open Graph
- Filter Twitter Card title
- Filter Twitter Card thumbnail
- Filter Twitter Card description
- Filter Open Graph URL
- Filter Open Graph title
- Filter Open Graph thumbnail
- Filter Open Graph sitename
- Filter Open Graph description
Structured Data Types
- Filter website schema
- Remove inline CSS of the Local Business block (Block Editor)
- Filter Block FAQ HTML (Block Editor)
- Disable SEOPress FAQ Block inline CSS
- Filter Local Business types list for schema
- Filter Local Business widget HTML
- Filter the list of predefined dynamic variables for automatic schemas
- Filter manual software application schema
- Filter Local Business widget title
- Filter Local Business widget state
- Filter Local Business widget postal code
- Filter Local Business widget phone number
- Filter Local Business widget opening hours
- Filter Local Business widget map link
- Filter Local Business widget description
- Filter Local Business widget country
- Filter Local Business widget city
- Filter Local Business widget street address
- Filter automatic software application schema
- Filter SiteNavigationElement schema
- Filter custom fields list in schemas
- Filter manual FAQ schema
- Filter automatic FAQ schema
- Filter automatic job schema
- Filter manual Job schema
- Filter Organization schema
- Filter manual custom schema
- Filter automatic custom schema
- Filter manual service schema
- Filter manual recipe schema
- Filter manual review schema
- Filter manual product schema
- Filter manual local business schema
- Filter manual event schema
- Filter manual course schema
- Filter manual article schema
- Filter manual video schema
- Filter automatic video schema
- Filter automatic service schema
- Filter automatic review schema
- Filter automatic recipe schema
- Filter automatic product schema
- Filter automatic local business schema
- Filter automatic article schema
- Filter automatic course schema
- Filter automatic event schema
- Filter Structured data types metabox call by post type