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Translate SEOPress options with WPML / Polylang

You can translate global settings with WPML / Polylang like:

  • titles,
  • meta descriptions,
  • user consent message for GDPR,
  • breadcrumbs,
  • etc.

Translate SEOPress options with WPML

You have to install WPML and String translation add-on to do that.

Once done, go to WPML, String translation.

Using the search bar, select string within domain admin_texts_seopress_titles_option_name (17).

You will see the list of options available in SEO, Titles & Metas.
All you have to do, is translate the different desired fields.

Click the translations link, enter your translation and Save.

Clear your cache if you have one.

Check also this in-depth guide on WPML website.

Translate SEOPress options with Polylang

Install and enable Polylang first.

Then go to Languages, Strings translations.

Filter the list to wp-seopress.

Translate the desired fields.

Click Save changes and clear your cache.