Where to download the previous versions?
Click on the links below to access all previous versions of our products depending on what you want:
- SEOPress Free (from w.org, Advanced options list)
Old versions of SEOPress Free – WordPress plugins repository - SEOPress PRO (from your customer area, Older versions toggle)
- SEOPress Insights (from your customer area, Older versions toggle).
Downgrade to the previous version
If you have access to your WordPress admin
Go to Plugins list. Deactivate the plugin.
Delete it. You will not lose any data.
From Plugins, Add page, upload the ZIP file of the previous version.
And activate it.
If you don’t have access to your WordPress admin
Connect to your server via SFTP (ask your webhost about that).
Go to /wp-content/plugins directory.
Delete wp-seopress directory if you want to delete the Free version.
Once done, upload the unzipped archive wp-seopress to the plugins directory.
Reactivate the plugin from your WordPress admin.