SEOPress 5.5 is now available. We encourage you to update your site as soon as possible to take advantage of the latest features and improvements.
🎉 New – Second iteration for Instant Indexing
We have updated the user experience: now when you click the Submit URLs button it also saves all your instant indexing settings which avoids a lot of misunderstanding and confusion.
We also improved and fixed some bugs in error handling.
Finally, we have added a new option to the Settings tab to automatically ping IndexNow API when a post, page, post type is published, updated or deleted.

🎉 New – Second iteration for the SEOPress REST API
We continue to improve our SEOPress REST API for developers by adding 12 new routes to the current two. You can now request terms metadata (title, meta desc, OG and Twitter cards, meta robots, canonical URL) and all your global SEO settings (authentification required in this case for security):
: replace [termId] by the ID of your term/wp-json/seopress/v1/terms/[termId]?taxonomy=[yourCustomTaxonomy]
similar to the previous route, with taxonomy argument (default: “category” if not provided)/wp-json/seopress/v1/options/dashboard-settings
: Dashboard settings/wp-json/seopress/v1/options/titles-settings
: Titles and metas settings/wp-json/seopress/v1/options/social-settings
: Social networks settings/wp-json/seopress/v1/options/sitemaps-settings
: Sitemaps settings/wp-json/seopress/v1/options/analytics-settings
: Analytics settings/wp-json/seopress/v1/options/advanced-settings
: Advanced settings/wp-json/seopress/v1/options/bot-settings
: Bot settings/wp-json/seopress/v1/options/indexing-settings
: Instant Indexing settings/wp-json/seopress/v1/options/license-settings
: License settings/wp-json/seopress/v1/options/pro-settings
: PRO settings
Read our guide to get started with our SEOPress REST API.
🎉 New – Regular expressions in Redirections enhanced
Regex are now even more powerful for redirections. If you have multiple groups in your regular expression, you can use the matches in your destination URL. Let’s take an example to be more clearer.
You have multiple URLs with these permastructure:
Image you have a new permastructure like this:
Well, it’s now super easy to redirect all of your existing URLs with the new permastructure with just 1 redirect:
Simply enter this a source URL:
And in the URL redirection field:$1
matches the first captured group in your regex, ie, (.*)
Convenient, isn’t it?
🎉 Other news
Many other new features and improvements have been added like:
- we have redesigned our Wizard installation to be more easy to use and useful,
- the user interface of SEOPress Free is now translated into Polish language, the PRO version is coming soon too,
- we have fixed an issue with the languages packs for the PRO version. If you didn’t have the translation for SEOPress PRO, go to your WP admin, Dashboard, Updates page and click Update translations button to get the latest ones available,
- the oEmbed JSON feed used by LinkedIn for sharing now support SEOPress dynamic variables,
- Divi and Visual Composer are now correctly working with our universal SEO metabox,
is now available for term taxonomy,- you can now ignore existing values when you import SEO metadata using our CSV import tool,
- with our Page Speed Insights integration you can now quickly test the URL of your choice.
For developers, in addition to our improved REST API, we have added two new hooks:
We hope you will enjoy this new update of SEOPress. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss any Google news and SEOPress products.
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This update contains the following changes (full changelog here):
* NEW Regular expressions enhanced for our redirect manager: you can now passed matches to the destination URL ( - PRO) * NEW Installation Wizard enhanced * NEW Polish language (Free already available, PRO incoming soon) * NEW SEOPress terms metadata added to SEOPress REST API * NEW SEOPress global settings added to SEOPress REST API * NEW Test your own URL for Page Speed Insights (PRO) * NEW "Ignore existing values" option for CSV import tool (PRO) * NEW Support %%_cf_your_custom_field_name%% dynamic variable for term taxonomy * NEW Support %%_cf_your_custom_field_name%% dynamic variable for social sharing (posts and taxonomies) * NEW 'seopress_content_analysis_target_keywords' hook to filter analyzed target keywords by the content analysis feature ( * NEW 'seopress_pro_breadcrumbs_last_item_linkable' hook to force the last item to be linkable ( * INFO Add Instant Indexing item to SEO admin bar * INFO Better user experience for Instant Indexing feature * INFO Decrease severity of having a Headings 3 from medium to low for content analysis feature * FIX Divi and Visual Composer compatibility with our universal SEO metabox * FIX Documentation link * FIX Language Packs for the PRO (go to WP, Updates, Update translations) * FIX Alternative texts of images analysis if no media found * FIX Meta title / description checks in content analysis * FIX Link for "Enable structured data types option" notification * FIX Price for variable products with automatic product schema * FIX Rendering dynamic variables when sharing a post on LinkdedIn (WP-JSON oembed) * FIX Autoload on "seopress_instant_indexing_log_option_name" option * FIX WooCommerce options with TwentyTwentyTwo theme * FIX Conflict with Polylang and our Local Business widget * FIX IndexNow API (Bing) "Something went wrong" false positive for Instant Indexing feature * FIX Notification link to fix robots.txt with multisite installation * FIX Page Speed integration * FIX Type of employment quick buttons (Job Schema - PRO) * FIX Fatal error: Cannot unset string offset (CustomCapabilities.php)