It’s not a very original article idea, but we really wanted to do a review of what has happened here at SEOPress in 2019 and preview 2020 for you.
We’d like to wish you all a happy New Year, but first we also want to specifically thank You (yes You!) for being part of the SEOPress adventure. Some users have been with us since the beginning, but a lot of new users have come aboard just recently. It’s been a real thrill to see the number of active users across the World climb up to 90.000 at the end of 2019. This success is really thanks to you all and your ongoing commitment to SEOPress!
October 2018 to September 2019 – Our fiscal year in numbers
To start, here are some metrics about us:
- Turnover: $316,743.78
- +7,000 customers
- 4,668 new plugin sales (SEOPress PRO)
- 166 refunds – refund rate 3,56%
- 45 plugin updates released
- 3,089 support tickets
- $10,325 paid to our 800 affiliates (sign up here to our affiliate program!)
- $3,000 of WordCamp sponsorship (WordCamp Europe 2019 – Berlin, WordCamp Nijmegen 2019, WordCamp Pontevedra 2019, WordCamp Dublin 2019… complete list here)
Key dates
Previously at SEOPress…
- October 2018: SEOPress is incorporated
- March 2019: a new, improved and more professional web design is launched
Designed by Marina Mourguiart (contact her!)SEOPress website (current version) SEOPress Website in 2018 - June 1st, 2019: I resigned from my job as a web developer, to head SEOPress full-time
- September 2019: We opened our new office in the Izarbel business park near Biarritz in the Basque Country (France)
SEOPress Office Where all the magic happens
3 new recruits
To help us continuing growing in 2020, three new people have joined the team:
- Thomas Piron for technical support
- Julio Potier for software development and security
- And a third person who will be announced in February
Getting them to join SEOPress was motivated by our ambitions to:
- Provide a better, more responsive technical support service
- Accelerate the development of new features
- Improve, restructure and optimize existing code to improve performance even further
Giving back to the WordPress community
In 2019, SEOPress sponsored WordPress events for over $3,000 and we will be doing more in 2020 ($3,500 already commited!):
- WordCamp Europe 2020 – Porto
- WordCamp Prague 2020
- WordCamp Antwerp 2020
- WordCamp Paris 2020
- WordCamp Kolkata 2020
- WordCamp Europe 2019 – Berlin
- WordCamp Bordeaux 2019
- WordCamp Nijmegen 2019
- WordCamp Pontevedra 2019
- WordCamp Dublin 2019
- WordCamp Marseille 2019
- WP BootCamp 2019
- SEO Camp Bayonne (France)
- Local WordPress meetups
During WordCamp Europe in Berlin, we met many of our users and it was a real pleasure to exchange with them, get their suggestions, feedback and encouragement. We will continue this year with the next WordCamp Paris, which will take place on April 17th, then at WordCamp Europe 2020 in Porto (we will have a stand, come and say hello!).
The 2020 Roadmap
Already planned for release early this year is an important update of our structured data features. We will be adding new Schemas and adding conditions to use with automatic schemas (by post types, custom taxonomies, “AND” / “OR” operators, etc.) More information coming soon!
The SEOPress Notifications Center will be upgraded so that each notification will be easier to understand for the end user. Over the year, we’ll be constantly optimizing and simplifying the user interface with both beginners and experienced SEOs in mind. We are experimenting with the idea of adding gamification features to the interface, but nothing is decided yet.

We are also planning on simplifying the integration of Google Analytics to your site and WP admin. Letting you add absolute URLs for redirections and adding support for regex.
Page builders will also be focus for 2020: Improving our integration in Gutenberg and adding the possibility to edit metadata in Elementor and Divi for example.
The full roadmap is visible on Trello.
Finally, a big project will be launched in 2020. But, shush, it’s a secret!
If you want to keep informed on our news in 2020, you can:
- Follow us our Facebook page, the Official Community Group, Twitter, YouTube,
- Subscribe to our Newsletter,
- and send us your comments, feedback and suggestions to improve the plugin
Any questions? Leave a comment!
Thank you!